It has never been easier to calculate the cost of your trip. Chauffeur Lyon now provides you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a route calculator indicating the distance in kilometres, a price in euros and an estimated duration for a given type of vehicle. You will be able to know in a second the travel time and the price of your service.
Booking with Chauffeur Lyon is the guarantee of a fixed price without surprises. But also, an experience on board our top-of-the-range vehicles.
– A Lyon Private Driver service
-A Lyon Private Taxi service
– A Lyon Water Taxi service
By booking your trip 15 days in advance, Chauffeur Lyon offers you discounts of up to 15%, which gives you the guarantee and serenity of the lowest price on the market with a worthy quality of service.
For Chauffeur Lyon and its partners, each passenger is important, so do not hesitate to let us know, via the “Contact” section, of your specific wishes and requests. We will answer all your questions as soon as possible to satisfy your requests. We also study all types of projects for events such as weddings or company seminars for example. The Chauffeur Lyon team has an expertise in transport with its experience recognized for several years in the Lyon region, do not hesitate to use our skills to organize your trips as efficiently as possible.
Our team is available by phone :